Saturday 26 December 2015

Fucktastic four

Fantastic four…

See this is what happens when you give comic book franchises to movie companies who don’t know what the fuck to do with it. They fuck it up and still think they can do it again. That my friends is the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. Fox’s latest fuck up of note, is the reboot of Fantastic Four. Now when it was announced that the franchise was getting a reboot, I was all for it, and gave them the benefit of the doubt. Human torch being a black guy, got for it. Susan Storm is adopted, why the fuck not. Changing how they got their powers, I can roll with it. Mr Fantastic can warp the reality around his body making him stretch… this was the point where I say what the fuck guys. I didn’t bother watching in cinema, because it would have been better money spent paying my friend to lodge a pickaxe in my skull. As usual if you want a plot summary… Okay fine, smart arse fucks his friends up, giving them powers and who then have to save the world when one of them throws a temper tantrum.  Now the plot smells fishy to begin with, but was fish lovers market bad by mid movie. The effect were cool but you can make a shit look amazing…but it still came out of someone’s anus. The acting is what got me and drove the final nail in the coffin, which would have been a welcome relief. My main issue was Mr Fantastic himself, Miles Teller. He just seemed like a winey little bitch the whole movie to the point where you hope Jamie Bell just ties him around a tree surrounded and leaves him to die. A lot of people had problem with Michael B. Jordan playing Johnny Storm, but I was impressed the most by him. He played the character pretty well in my eyes, cocky, adrenaline seeking, bad boy that would sleep with you, set your curtains on fire and then never call you. Toby Kebbell take on Doom was….blah, considering he had to work with a script written by a chimpanzee. 

Saturday 12 December 2015

The Hunger Games : Left wanting more

I don’t know what I expected. I followed the release dates for the Hunger games movies closely, not enough to considered a stalker, but a concerned citizen at best. Keeping in mind the dates of release and not much else about the movies. I haven’t read the books so I didn’t see anything coming, and couldn’t bitch about what the movie got right and wrong and what it left out, like those type of people the deserve a special place in hell for, right next to the killers, thieves and most of Fox team that made the Fantastic Four reboot. So when Hunger games final installment was coming out I was genuinely pleased. Finally the story would be wrapped up in a climatic ending that would leave people satisfied and a little sadden, like me with love making. However what the previous movies had built up to, was a so average movie that it would be better to pay to see paint dry in the home of the least interesting man….calling you out Dave (probably not the actual person’s name, but worth a shot). The movie wasn’t good, nor was it bad, it just was. It didn’t push any boundaries or envelopes. The envelope would go further in life with a drama degree. I don’t know what I expected to honest, but I was calling out the whole plot by the first 10 minutes of the movie, and I will remind you that I haven’t read the book. All my favorite characters had died off or turned into complete cocks by the end of the movie of course you see it coming, might as well have them wear shirts saying “I will die or turn into a cock”. And you can’t even through the Jennifer Lawrence thins at me. She just didn’t do anything for me in this movie. Now Jena Malone on the other hand, even with her new look in the movie, makes me think of Jack from Mass Effect………sorry lost train of thought there. Where were we? Oh right, Hunger Games. Everything was there and did what it should of, which is great for the first or second installments of a franchise, but the final one should leave people happy that it was time well spent, not demanding your money back for what you though was the ticket seller, only to find out it is a random hobo because you drank too much to trying forgot the movie you just watched.

Monday 23 November 2015

We travel back....

I remember the days when I couldn’t wait to log onto World of Warcraft during the weekend in order to do….stuff. Those days when I still played Alliance because my friends said it would be fun, Arthas was still having a pissy fit onto of his throne about how no body. Those battle ground weekends helped me level my character to 80. I remember pushing for a solid 10 hours on a Thursday to get to the level needed for Altrec Valley because the battle ground weekend started the next day. Now it seems that old dungeons and skirmishes have been added to the mix. Trying to coin the nostalgic factor are we Blizzard? Yes these time walker dungeons throw us like a pair of old, overused undies into the classics days when tactics was more of a suggestion then a requirement. I enjoy seeing some old dungeons again that bring back fond memories of just standing there and rotating between numbers 1 -5 with my left hand leaving my right free to do…things. 

Monday 2 November 2015

Jurassic World

I have a standard rule when it comes to movie franchises, if the franchise goes beyond the third installment and is not based on a book or another media, it’s like standing in front of members of the KKK and boldly saying that Martin Luther King Jr had some good ideas. You are asking for shit and possibly to be curve stomped outside your mom’s house. I will admit that this rule has seen its fair share of rogue and have left the KKK members agreeing with the statement. Jurassic world is such a rogue, showing that if you through enough members of Marvel made movies and series, you can get away with it. If you haven’t seen Jurassic park 1, 2, or 3, then you obviously living under a stone…maybe even a Flintstone….ha ha ha (fucking terrible pun). I won’t tell you the plot because kiss my ass go make Wikipedia feel useful instead of just being a dump for easy college report material, but I will say that whoever thought that mix DNA of several species of dinosaurs together was obviously as mad as a shit flinging monkey. Now the movie wasn’t so great that I would be naming my first child after Chris Pratts character regardless if it was a boy or girl, but  good enough that it avoids a fatal beating by myself and any other critics opinion I actually give a shit about. The movie bring back those moments of watching the first movie and thinking that the kids are going to need years of fucking theory to get over this crap and properly will start thinking about a new hobby rather than dinosaurs. And I don’t know who made Bryce Dallas Howard’s (Claire, yes that is her real name) heels for the movie but they are going to rival all sport shoe making companies because even with a fucking dinosaur chasing you, there is no fucking way you could run like that in those shoes. 

Wednesday 14 October 2015

It's dangerous to go take this

As I mentioned before when World of Warcraft Legion graces us with its presence, we will be getting our hands on some lovely legendary artifacts. These artifacts will not be so much found in a dusty old castle or by leveling our fucking archaeology because no one wants to do that anymore, but from the lore heroes within the game that have either died, given into despair, or given the weapon to the player because let’s face it they weren’t fucking using it…with a few exception of course. So there are to be 36 different artifacts for every spec possible and each will have its own skill tree, yet  another reason for me to have a hour debate with my friend as to why choosing one talent rather than the other, coming to a totally different conclusion and end up playing Heroes. Now the thing the bothers me is that some of these items are rather famous such as Doomhammer, Ashbringer, and Thas’dorah belonging to Thrall, Tirion Fordring and the Windrunners respectively. Now, as far as I understand, we are “acquiring” these weapons from those heroes, but does that mean Blizzard are going to kill off some of their more fan favourite lore characters or turning them into little pansies so much so that we finally say, “fuck it let me do it”? Some of the way we make other of the weapons sounds better than looting lore characters. Such as the weapon for a frost death knight, which has us returning to Ice Crown to get some shards of Frostmourne to forge two new weapons, Icebringer and Soulreaper. Not only does to sound similar to the Shadowmourne quest, but it might clear up what happened to Frostmourne which apparently keeps some fan boys/girls up all night…or they are raiding. Adding to the insanity is giving survival hunters a spear from some tauren. Now my hunter did carry a polearm back in the Wraith days, but that was just for the stats it had, and if I ever got close enough to a target to use it, I would throw my hands up in the air yelling “nuh nuah nuf”, putting as much distance as I could between me and the thing my fucking pet was supposed to be keeping entertained with bear slaps to the face. 

I love the idea of having these unique to spec items and having to work to get them, but I feel that there is something terrible on the horizon in terms of how we get some of the items. Still I personally can’t wait for my paladin to beat the shit out of demons with Ashbringer, but at what cost? In the meantime, finding a place to hide his body is high on my priority list. 
Notice me Tirion-senpai

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Ant-man...for those hard to reach places

It must have been weird to try sell the idea of Ant-man as a super hero. I wonder which of the three creators, Stan Lee, Larry Lieber or Jack Kirby at some point of the creation process thought to themselves…this is weird, the guy shrinks and controls ants? What’s his greatest enemy? A child with a magnifying glass and the sun? Anyway, they proved the world wrong and made a kind of successful hero. Less we forget, he was an original avenger in the comics…wife beating aside. Now with every possible comic hero being turned into a movie, Ant-man might not have been an obvious choice, but it turns out be a good one.

Although it does following the story of the original Ant-man, it does follow the second incarnation of the character, Scott Lang played by Paul Rudd. As I write this reader, please understand that I am trying to take the piss out of the movie, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that movie was already trying to do that while introducing the character to the Marvel Movie universe. Of all the movies so far, this is definitely the most comedic. Paul Rudd definitely brings out both his serious side and comedic side, normally both ending in a drunk midget fight. Funny at the start, but then when small bottles and chairs start getting thrown around, just plain silly. Rudd however pulls it off, bringing out the character’s desperate need to be a good father, and try make the audience take the hero seriously. Which sticks sort of close to the comic book version, but it’s more like a post-it note rather the glue. It may not reflect the comic book version well, but it does hold its own, bring the character to an audience that hasn’t heard of him, and let’s face it there are probably many. The fighting scenes seem epic, even though they can easily be sorted out with a can of bug spray, and Thomas the tank engine must feel like he has balls of steel, which is probably the case, for actually being useful. It follow the typical origin movie for a superhero with a smart person helping a down on his luck guy, fighting a seeming over powered villain that the hero must sacrifice something to defeat. It’s like Marvel just have a movie template changing names and scenes every time to get a “different” movie. Naturally, one does not simply leave at the end of a Marvel movie, with not one but two end credit scenes dangling bait for fan boys of what’s next. One of the better Marvel movies to come out, it takes the roll of the prophet leading the audience to the promised land of phase three leading off with Captain America: Civil War.  

Sunday 6 September 2015

We are Legion...for we are enough

With the announcement of Legion out and fanboys grasping at every little piece of information they can get their grimy hands on, like a fat kid trying to reach the cookies on the top shelf….accurate comparison actually, I thought I would way into the muddy waters of opinions and add to the frankly ocean of opinions that people probably don’t care about until the expansion actually comes out.

Now for those of you that don’t know, the Burning Legion is kind of the hell’s army of the Warcraft universe, with Sargeras being the big cheese of it all. Sargeras was a titan, the groups of beings that act as the gods for the Warcraft universe, and after fighting a lot of demons, and going a bit bat shit crazy, he decides to become that ultimate evil in the universe and try turn everything into dark despair. If only daddy titan had told Sargeras he loves him a bit more. For some reason Azeroth is so sort after, that the Burning Legion practically rub one out, every time that it is mentioned, and have finally pull enough resources together to get that magical holiday experience they have being saving all their lives. Not that Azeroth seems like a prime holiday destination what with the grinding and douche bag corpse campers. But fuck they want in. So they finally manage to find a portal to the Broken Isle because the big cheese himself seems to have time shares their and is only now willing to share it the prick. Although the Tomb of Sargeras doesn’t sound like the best place to spend summer vacation, what with it being a tomb and all. Any way another new comer to the party are Demon Hunter class, with the story being they are the Illidar, the followers of Illidan, so basically a bunch of groupies? Great, why not? Now in order to fight these tourists, Blizzard has decided that heroes will now need the greatest weapons in all the land, copy and pasted into the hands of every Johnny they can find. A like the idea of wielding these ancient weapon they can level entire towns every time you cough, but the idea of having the mage next to you wielding the same weapon is how cosmetic singularities are formed I’m sure. But remember you are unique, just like everyone else.

All in all I love the idea that we finally going to deal with the Legion and the fact that Illidan is coming back, does seem a bit “soapie” where a character has been a coma for three years and is brought back because the ratings are taking a nose dive. 

They stole your cookies

Saturday 29 August 2015

The son returns

So let’s get back into it. I finally decided that it has been long enough and decided to dive back into WoW to see what all the fuss is about. Patch 6.2 is the last patch for Warlords of Draenor and thank Christ for that. To me WoD just seemed to be a semi expansion. Blizzard used it as a distraction while it went off and put resources into Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch, only to realize that people weren’t falling for their bull shit. Numbers drop dramatically, like the belief in a favorite comedian when it turns out he drugged women. Can Blizzard pull back these numbers? In my opinion, no. The days of their colossal  destroyer of lives and demolisher of finances has had its day in the sun, reached the peak and is heading down like a girl after their drink has been spiked by a famous comedian. Now I stand to be corrected, and I hope the next expansion, whatever it maybe because a don’t put stoke in rumors, brings back the glory days of Wraith of the Bitch King…I mean Lich King.

With the next expansion being announced in a few days, I decided to give my views on WoD. It me it was all bark and no bite. The garrison which  was there to make the player fell like the force within Draenor instead of the fussy friend to the major lore characters, so eager to make senpai notice them, that they will literally do anything they ask close to take it roughly from behind to please them. Giving you the power to finally be on the dealing end of sending people to do your bidding, the garrison and its followers felt more than of a chore to me than anything.  It gave players the ability to do all professions, knee capping the economy of some servers. Gone were the days when you could sell professional crafted items because they were either limit on a player, or easy enough for other players to make. Although it did help with the gathering professions, I still fell leather working and tailoring got shafted. Close to the time of my hiatus, I would simply log on, gather herbs and mineral, check my followers missions, place new work orders, and knock off for lunch. Not exactly thrilling game play. Now you may say “Dubu you hairy bastard, you should of tried raiding.” To which I answer "How the fuck did you find me reader? Also I did.+ The raids just didn’t have the right fell to me. Older raids were the right mixture of not too difficult that I would start a murderous rampage, and not so easy that I would lose interest. WoD raids just didn’t feel the same. And don’t get me started on the legendary quest line….all that for a fucking ring? I ain’t no single lady that needs a rings on it. The cloak felt like an epic experience…but a ring? Really?

Sunday 2 August 2015

Long live Commander Chezzy Balls Shepard

I know I review games about a year after they have come out, but what do you expect? I live in a cave in Southern Africa, not exactly the gaming pinnacle of the world. Internet seems on having the Africa mindset and only works when it wants too, and games being released cost an arm, leg, first born, and ashes of your mother, due to the exchange rate. For the Europeans reading this, one 500ml beer in South Africa will cost you about one Euro…so yeah, riding the gravy train down here. So with the intro out of the way let’s get to it.

Bioware make great stories…there I said it. I will be telling my cubs the story of Captain Cheezy Balls Shepard as bed time stories. It has finally come full circle with me having finally finished Mass Effect 3. Again if you want a plot summary…no. Wikipedia. This is an experience review. With Shepard being finally being able to yell “I fucking told you so!” shit hits the fan and we finally get to deal with the universal threat of giant squid robots…I mean Reapers. The gameplay is your standard third person shooter with chest high walls becoming your best friend and more reliable than your squad mates. Oddly though, your squad mates can help when situation demands it, but those moments are few and far between, like politicians making sense. But I couldn’t hate the bastards because I actually felt the need to help them when they asked and make sure they survived missions. The sudden realization that I had more feelings for random ones and zeros than actual other people was sticking your dick into a socket…shocking and leaving me feeling a bit funny. The game relies heavily on its pew pew pew, with the scanning mechanic from the previous installment taking a back seat, and only talking when you glance back and as how its day was. And with the previous game, to get the great ending, terms and conditions apply. Being male, I typically ignored them all, barreled on through the story missions to see how this space fantasy finally ends….and fuck was I more disappointed than finding out your child is born ginger. Even though they fixed it so it was easier to get the best ending, it was just didn’t wash out the taste of disappointment in my or the hooker how gave me a blowjob’s mouth. Even so, a buckled down, restarted and may sure I was the best maid in the universe, cleaning up everyone I could to get the great ending, only to be left with a five second add on to the previously earned ending. Like embracing the cold hands on death after the best fuck of yours or anyone else’s life…totally worth it. 

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Heroes of the Storm

With Blizzard trying to milk everything out their franchises as possible, it was only a matter of time before they throw their lot with the other MOBA in the world. It must be a strange feeling for Blizzard to be the underdog in a gaming genre, with their over aged monster WoW still going, and their dungeon crawler that once held the pole position of the genre, but now has to pole dance for money. But Heroes of the Storm was their answer to “Who would win in a fight Diablo or Arthas?” and brings all our favourite characters from all their games into one arena to beat the every living shit of each other.  Now although Dota did start out as a mod for Warcraft 3, it wasn’t developed by Blizzard, just on a Blizzard game and it was taken over by Valve so it doesn’t count as a Blizzard game.

Now with the game finally coming out the closet to show off its prettiest dress in hopes to appeal to fan boys, I managed to get a sneak peak of the game while it was still picking out its underwear. I was given a beta key out the blue and not being a big fan of MOBA decided maybe to try it at a later stage. Finally after drumming up some courage, and having bugger all else to play, I decided to give it a chance. Now PVP for me was something I got into later on in life, like tentacle porn…I mean mud wrestling, and so MOBA didn’t have that a big appeal to me even at lans…yes lans. But as I started playing something happened that removed the crust of boring gameplay Blizzard had pelted me with for a while now, it was actually interesting. Fair enough story is virtually no existent and the comments the other player’s characters make while playing can make you want to fuss them to death with barbed wire, but the challenge of out smarting other players you will never meet is oddly satisfying. But if you can organize you and four other dip sticks via just chat obscure and annoying pings standing other something, then you might want to think about arranging peace in the middle of Africa…or curing AIDS. It can also get easy to lose your character while every one performs their so called “Ults” leaving the screen looking like something between Michael Bay and J.J Abraham’s love child jazzing on your face. 

Now how does it compare with the other MOBAs out…fuck if I know? I guess you will only play this if you really want to beat the ever loving shit out of Nova with Kerrigan, which you should totally do because FUCK YOU NOVA. She is a total bitch of a character and needs to calm the fuck down. All and all it’s a nice little time waster while doing your washing, but I can’t help that feel that for all its trying not to be like other MOBA, it will quickly whore itself and become another night worker on the street of mainstream, unoriginal ideas. 

Monday 1 June 2015

How old is Ultron?

If this wasn’t the most anticipated movie of 2015 it was pretty damn close, but like the second child in a beauty pageant Avengers 2 Age of Ultron is lacking the certain something that made the judges become uncomfortable in their pants so much so that they made to think cold thoughts and wait a little after the credits were done. It just didn’t have the some impact of me as the first movie did, but it wasn’t a bad movie. I can’t help but feel that it may be a quality over quantity issue where Avengers 1 was three amazing Areo chocolate bars, compared to five avenge wonder bars. The former being the bar that has the most impact on your tongue leaving you wanting more but you have to wait till you can afford it again, where the ladder you can afford more of but it isn’t something to strive towards investing every time you want satisfying. Again I won’t give you the plot because that’s what Wikipedia is for but it involves robot being built to protect world, only to see it as your typical Goth teenage with daddy issues, and try to destroy it. It builds on from the previous using staples and duct tape, with the events of the first causing Ironman to complete change his attitude as a bad-ass superhero, to a concerned mother over the special child and trying to protect it with as much amour as possible.  The introduction of the new avengers was nicely done, but who didn’t see the death of (SPOILER) the fast one coming? To be honest not me, so Josh Whedon doesn’t disappoint again with amazing me there, but again refer to my first sentence. It isn’t the best movie in the Marvel movie universe but it isn’t the worse either, so it just kinda sits in the middle hopped up on sugar bouncing around showing us Scarlett Johansson’s bum every now and then, and making us wonder what a porno between Black Widow and the Hulk would look like….uncomfortable at best. 

Sunday 17 May 2015

Batman...Father of the year

With the rebooting of the DC universe with The new 52, it gave me a chance to dive back into the comics reading about my favourite characters with direr need for a mother to dress them properly, except batman because he has an expensive butler for that...and no mother, but also meant that new animated movies would be coming out. Now in terms on live action movies DC are kinda the special needs kids, even if the movies coming out in the next five years do change my mind, it is too little too late. But with animated movies they are the dogs bollocks, recreating my favourite story arcs giving me another reason to spend all day in front of my PC, although Batman does seem to have more movies here than any other superhero in the universe, but fuck it he also has better games. So the newest is Batman vs Robin where Damian Wayne is the current Robin fighting between being the son of the Dark Knight and grandson of Ras Al Ghul which he constantly reminds us about. This movie follows the Son of Batman movie which I definitely recommend but the sequel doesn't seem to live up to the father…pun intended. It isn't bad, but kinda let me down in certain parts. It doesn't bring about any big names which I understand can’t happen in all movies because they have been used more than the world’s best hooker, but who the fuck is the Court of Owls. I am told it follows a story line from the new Nightwing which brings the question why didn't they use that instead. Creating a brand new story on something old is good, but creating a new story by ripping off the old by changing one aspect, is like poking a a wasp nest with a stick and seeing how long you can stand under it without fleeing in pain, asking for little pricks to cause you a lot of pain.

Sunday 12 April 2015

Seventh Son....Twice Removed

I stand by my statement that I have proudly bellowed out every time one of friends mentions that a new movie based on something else is coming out: “movies based on games are going to be shit, but movies based on books have potential”. So when my friend one fake Lord of the Ring’s eleven cloak short of being a fan boy the movie Seventh Son, I stood by my statement….then after watching it, I wish I hadn’t and instead spent the 102min of my life, I will never get back, on something better…like wiping my bum with sand paper. The movie is set in a fantasy world where there was once a group of monster hunters not called Witchers, although there is a faint smell of Andrzej Sapkowski there but we’ll ignore it like we ready need to pee in a smelly bathroom, but called Spooks…odd considering they are the one killing the things that go bump in the night. Master Gregory played by Jeff Bridges, is a Spook and must train a young Tom Ward, played by Ben Barnes, to kill evil spirits and no this is a movie not a generic RPG. The main villain is the Queen of all witches mother Malkin, played by Julianne Moore, who enjoys wearing ridiculous amounts of tight leather like see is ready for bondage and wants to take over the world, so in terms of plot it is pretty standard like the sun rising in the morning. Now the movie is based on The Spook's Apprentice by Joseph Delaney and I am willing to bet my first born child that the book is better than the movie. Generic plot, outcome as predictable as giving a monkey a gun is a bad idea, and characters that you try to connect with but find that I found myself routing for the ogre looking thing that acted as the butler for the main protagonists who says fuck all the whole movie.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, Batman!

After doing this for a few months, I wanted to try something new. So I decided to go cold turkey and try stopping playing Warcraft for a while. I would put a time frame on it, but let’s face it just like a true junky; I will be hitting that virtual addiction again sometime soon. So I stepped off for a while and started playing the Batman Arkham franchise again. Now me telling people now that the Batman Arkham franchise is so brilliant that I wish it could have my children, is the same as me saying that I paly World of Warcraft; old, outdated and is just fucking obvious. But with Arkham Knight gracing us with its divine presence soon I thought it might be a good time to shed my opinion on it….because I can. Now Asylum was great…but the whole leading up to an ultimate boss battle with Killer Croc only to have an over glorified game on whack a mole, did kind of went against it. But I will give it credit, the Scarecrow parts made me start questioning my sanity. The City part of franchise, although not much of a city because it come fit in the asylum with room for a side garage, was my favorite of the franchise. Not only because for a group of ones and zeros, Catwoman has an amazing ass….revealing a lot about my relationship status, but because it kept what was great about Asylum and adding new things, showing that the developers saw what was good and kept it instead of being retarded and trying to create the awesome again from scratch. The add on of being able to play as different characters, kept things fresh in the story but was a little irritating trying to change things when you already have a gameplay programmed into your mind. Origins was just…kind of….aaahhhh. For me it was just a repeat of City and didn’t do the same City did to Asylum. That being said the battle with an overpowered Bane did make my heart beat so much that it was pretty much hitting the screen. All-in-all it was different to WoW and a great franchise, forcing to pump enough money into my PC to run Knight smoothly that it could solve Eskom’s power crisis…but I won’t be able to play it because of load shedding…fuck. 

Sunday 15 March 2015

Yes, yes they are Blending

Wow...just wow. Adam Sandler has always held a certain place in my dark heart for modeling certain aspects of my childhood. Little Nicky taught me how to handle my brothers with a shovel, Big Daddy taught me how to raise my children, and the longest yard taught me that to beat someone bigger than me is to find someone bigger than them. So when it was announced  that him and Barrymore where making another movie together in South backyard by the way, I was kind of excited because wedding singer is one of my favourite movies. I won't bother you with the plot because that's what Wikipedia is for, but needless to say it didn't receive the justice it deserves. It was certainly better than Grow ups 2 but wasn't Sandler’s best work. Cameo by Dale Steyn was fucking awesome because I would love to see him beat the shit outta Sandler just because. All and all, the story development is okay but the same for every other fucking love movie with Sandler and Barrymore. The kids make it interesting and highlight the fact that one should always think twice about having children. Finally its cements the fact that if Terry Crews make a joke, I will laugh along in fear that he can kill me by just flexing his muscles. 

Sunday 1 February 2015

Keep the faith my brothers and sisters

Is it just me or have things lost what they once were? I write this post with some disgust and sadness in my has been four days since I have played World of Warcraft and I find myself trying new things. To set the record straight, yes there have been periods in my so called life when I have looked at that WoW icon sitting on my desktop only to meet its gaze with a shrug and a sigh, thinking to myself "Not feeling it". This has never concerned me in the past though with full knowledge that in a week or two I will be back, foaming at the mouth ready to crack the skulls and tear out the insides of menacing ones and zeros....but recently that feeling has been extended. It might be the fact that now that I have a proper job, and have to heed the words of the so called "Man", I just don't see the appeal anymore. My days are now spent crunching numbers and reviewing reports, not casting spells and swinging swords, the ladder of which sounds more like my cup of tea...or it could be because WoW are introducing a selfie taking toy in patch 6.1.....god dammit.

Sunday 11 January 2015 have a lot to live up too

Okay so am I gonna just say it that 2014 wasn't the best year for me personally. I was finishing my studies that robbed me of many nights of sleep, my relationships took a hard hit because of that, and all my future plans kinda just died on all my hopes and dreams. So 2015 is upon us and there is a lot of "This can't get any worse." Too early to tell but we'll see.