So let’s get back into
it. I finally decided that it has been long enough and decided to dive back
into WoW to see what all the fuss is about. Patch 6.2 is the last patch for
Warlords of Draenor and thank Christ for that. To me WoD just seemed to be a
semi expansion. Blizzard used it as a distraction while it went off and put
resources into Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch, only to realize that people
weren’t falling for their bull shit. Numbers drop dramatically, like the belief
in a favorite comedian when it turns out he drugged women. Can Blizzard pull
back these numbers? In my opinion, no. The days of their colossal destroyer of lives and demolisher of finances
has had its day in the sun, reached the peak and is heading down like a girl
after their drink has been spiked by a famous comedian. Now I stand to be
corrected, and I hope the next expansion, whatever it maybe because a don’t put
stoke in rumors, brings back the glory days of Wraith of the Bitch King…I mean
Lich King.
With the next
expansion being announced in a few days, I decided to give my views on WoD. It
me it was all bark and no bite. The garrison which was there to make the player fell like the
force within Draenor instead of the fussy friend to the major lore characters,
so eager to make senpai notice them, that they will literally do anything they
ask close to take it roughly from behind to please them. Giving you the power
to finally be on the dealing end of sending people to do your bidding, the
garrison and its followers felt more than of a chore to me than anything. It gave players the ability to do all
professions, knee capping the economy of some servers. Gone were the days when
you could sell professional crafted items because they were either limit on a
player, or easy enough for other players to make. Although it did help with the
gathering professions, I still fell leather working and tailoring got shafted.
Close to the time of my hiatus, I would simply log on, gather herbs and
mineral, check my followers missions, place new work orders, and knock off for
lunch. Not exactly thrilling game play. Now you may say “Dubu you hairy
bastard, you should of tried raiding.” To which I answer "How the fuck did you
find me reader? Also I did.+ The raids just didn’t have the right fell to me.
Older raids were the right mixture of not too difficult that I would start a
murderous rampage, and not so easy that I would lose interest. WoD raids just
didn’t feel the same. And don’t get me started on the legendary quest line….all
that for a fucking ring? I ain’t no single lady that needs a rings on it. The
cloak felt like an epic experience…but a ring? Really?
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