Sunday 28 September 2014

Who's afraid of a guy called Bigby?...This bear

Okay so although I am a little late to the party, I finally managed to find enough time in my schedule to play and finish Wolf Among Us by Telltale games. The game is based on fable characters and more importantly the DC comic Fables. This takes all our favourite fairy tale characters and throws them into a modern day New York, with first world problems to make them more relatable. You play the role of Bigby Wolf...see what they did there, the cigarette smoking, whiskey drinking, tough son of a bitch…literally… sheriff. The game is from the some guys that made the Walking Dead game, so there is no surprise that it is a point and click adventure game heavy soaked and dripping in story. In terms on game-play it is limited but fulfills the limitation nicely and the story just gives it that much needed drive to keep you coming back. The characters all look to you to solve their problems however, like the ward mother of suicidal teens, all looking for you to help them and feel for them. And being a point and click adventure, you also get to choose a response to their statements by pressing A,B,X or Y, a procedure I often use negotiating my everyday conversations. the problem is though you choose a response thinking Bigby will say it in a certain context, only to have him verbally castrate the person.   The peak of the serious was when you finally managed to kill a bitch who, let’s face it, had it coming that psychotic bitch, like the ex-girlfriend who was amazing in bed but killed a relative every time you pissed her off by leaving the toilet seat up. The graphics do its comic book background proud. All that said it was in my opinion a good game, not great but worth it. I just hope in the next one the mother and father bears come bitching about a golden-hair hooker, that junior brought home. 

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Oh make me worried

I don't know what to say...I just don't know. The feeling I got from watching the latest Scarlett Johansson movie, Lucy, left a bad taste in my mouth as well as a fish slap to the brain. The reason I say fish slap is because it wasn't hard enough to leave me mentally retarded, like a tuna or haddock, but enough for my brain to feel tossed around like a kitten in a tumble drying. The concept behind the movie is what would happen to us if we started using more than 10 % of our brains capability. The movie`s answer is that we all become superheroes with no emotions what so ever. Interesting theory but I for one don't buy it. However I have no degree in evolution and know nothing about the human brain, except many South African politicians have none, so I'll let the writers have their day. As a movie, the plot is like the uninvited kid to adult’s party, confused and awkward. Towards the end it takes a left up bat shit Crazy Street and missions down it at top speed. Morgan Freeman plays the role of a professor of...stuff, and plays the role brilliantly. I don't know what it is but his voice lead me to believe everything was fine, when all I saw in the movie was pretty lights and gun fire like Michael Bay producing on my face. Now with regards to Scarlet...what do you want me to say it's fucking Scarlet Johansson...she shows a tiny bit of cleavage in any movie and thousands of straight men will flock to the movie with dates with a tissue box later that evening...and I like to think some women too. 

Monday 1 September 2014

For the Horde....kinda

Well it's about time. After many days of trying to get a solid internet connection in order to download Warlords of Draenor beta, I have finally reached that stage where I can play, but as slow as a asthmatic snail due to additional downloads being done during game-play. Fuck.  Anyway the beta started with my orc hunter being dumped next to a very large human offering me a garrison. I was naturally skeptic. One, why is he giving away garrisons for free? Two, where is he keeping these garrisons? And three, why the fuck am I questioning this, it's a game, to which I immediately built my little pleasure palace the furthest it could go only to find I couldn`t add any fucking buildings. Why does it seem that the Horde get the bell end of everything? So I decided to double agent myself over to Alliance with a draenei paladin with amazing facial hair. Rinse, lather, repeat and I found that the Allaiance garrisons are actually working. Blizzards, Alliance are cool and all but fuck it they are not the only faction. Through something the horde's way once in a while. The horde bike from...*cough cough* Azeroth Chopper should show you that the fan base for horde could eat the Alliance base for breakfast. What also grinds my tits is that Mist of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor both make the Horde assholes because of what a handful of individuals have done. I know this is just to drive the game and shouldn't be something that I start clubbing baby seals about, but from a story line perspective, it annoyed the shit out of me.