Wednesday 10 September 2014

Oh make me worried

I don't know what to say...I just don't know. The feeling I got from watching the latest Scarlett Johansson movie, Lucy, left a bad taste in my mouth as well as a fish slap to the brain. The reason I say fish slap is because it wasn't hard enough to leave me mentally retarded, like a tuna or haddock, but enough for my brain to feel tossed around like a kitten in a tumble drying. The concept behind the movie is what would happen to us if we started using more than 10 % of our brains capability. The movie`s answer is that we all become superheroes with no emotions what so ever. Interesting theory but I for one don't buy it. However I have no degree in evolution and know nothing about the human brain, except many South African politicians have none, so I'll let the writers have their day. As a movie, the plot is like the uninvited kid to adult’s party, confused and awkward. Towards the end it takes a left up bat shit Crazy Street and missions down it at top speed. Morgan Freeman plays the role of a professor of...stuff, and plays the role brilliantly. I don't know what it is but his voice lead me to believe everything was fine, when all I saw in the movie was pretty lights and gun fire like Michael Bay producing on my face. Now with regards to Scarlet...what do you want me to say it's fucking Scarlet Johansson...she shows a tiny bit of cleavage in any movie and thousands of straight men will flock to the movie with dates with a tissue box later that evening...and I like to think some women too. 

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