Friday 24 October 2014

Pandaland...thanks for memories

With the next WoW expansion on the horizon and we leave Pandaland behind, I wanna take a look back at the Mists of Pandaria as a whole. I joined the exploration of the pandas as the second patch hit, coming back after packing my bags and walking out on Cataclysm because of what she had become. After she showed me she had changed and wanted me back, I decided to take her back you continue from where I left off. I started with the new class which Blizzard totally stole my idea for by the way, monks. Deciding to kill two dragons with one cannon ball, the panda monk Pangtong, trying to sound plausible, was born. Although the panda being able to choose a side made it harder to know which I needed to me and which one wanted to cook and eat my worgen, I overlooked at it, mainly because the rolling function made fighting feel fun and hit close to home. All and all the monks were a great new class that was easy to use hard to master, covering almost all player types. Now the expansion itself felt like a roller-coaster with a slow, flat ending. Jumping into a new unknown story line in Warcraft, showed Blizzard can make an entire expansion based on a joke. It kept me excited learning about new characters while still developing old ones. I say slow flat ending however because the Siege of Orgimmar as a whole felt like a desperate wrap up of a story, that lasted way too long. Why have this buildup of this amazing new land, only to have the final raid back in old WoW? My favorite raid in the whole expansion has to be Throne of Thunder, rating into my top five raids of all times. The gear looked amazing; the game-play punished you if you didn't know what you were doing, and rewarded you if you learnt from your mistakes. The build up to the Isle of Thunder too, felt amazing to complete, but the consist dailies made playing fell like a 9 to 5 job where your boss is insane ask the same fucking thing every day expecting a different result. That was one of the major drawbacks of Mists. The dailies made rep grinding the fell like pulling rusty bits of metal from your skin, you know it will be better for you in the long run, but it sucks now. The elites and small treasures found across Pandaria made me feel like Indy, exploring dark forests, finding rare treasures protected by wild beasts, and really hating snakes. The one big grief I have with MoP is it lasted timing. It lasted over two years and the last raid was 12 months? Really Blizzard come on, give us something new. I know it is hard to roll out a new expansion and it takes time, but develop the last patch of the expansion and only release it may be like 5 months before the next expansion. Just time release dates a bit better, all I am saying. 

This image is owned by Blizzard, that giant game making company that owns my soul

Thursday 9 October 2014

Maleficent leather

Disney must be kicking in his grave. Angelina Jolie`s new film interpretation of the villain which was one of the scariest woman with a fondest for black things in the whole Disney world, makes me question everything I thought I knew about my childhood builders. Maleficent takes a new look at the villain of Sleeping Beauty, making her hotter and less a crazy bitch being mean just because it's that time of the month, every damn day of her life. One symptom being you suddenly gain an American accent, as Maleficent starts off British then becomes a rebellious colonial. Plot  breakdown: boy meets fairy, boy breaks fairy heart, fairy goes bat shit crazy and starts wearing dark leather....nice....fairy then finds she's can't be bitch, kills boy anyway. Sharlto Copely plays the part of the boy nicely, although there are times when his South African accent makes an appearance. The one thing that I have a problem with is that this movie was marketed up the bum, and any movie, game or series that is marketed that much is place on my shit list from the start. It’s like Benjamin Croshaw, better known as that crazy British-Australian video game critic that never uses punctuation, would say, that any game marketed so much means the developers themselves know it is shit and try to get as much hype for it as possible to feel a little better the y produced something so shit, by swimming in our money. Cocks.