Friday 19 December 2014

Hi, have you met Warlords?

Although I was given a beta key to Warlords of Draenor, I was only able to play for a short while. I was too busy with work, trying improving myself socially, and trying to not fail varsity. So once that was all out the way and I could finally sit down and play WoD, and the launch issues had been swept under the rug, I could finally enjoy the marvel that once WoD...or so I thought. I managed to get my first level 100 a few days ago, and like the good little addict I am, I couldn't wait for the next injection of time wasting grinding to get the next character to that level. Starting off on the Horde side, because fuck the alliance, Frostfire Ridge was the home away from home, away from planet, away from time stream....sorry lost my train of thought. Anyway, I jumped in, downed some energy drinks, told friends to fuck off for a few days and gain my level 100. But then I released something, I don't want to do this again. WoW use to be simple and fun, but now trying to look after followers, your garrison, and not be murdered by everything is started to get me. I fell like it's taking me away from the main point of the game and you are forced to experience that part of the game in order to experience others more fun parts, like it's a gate way drug hence the addiction reference. It still may be too early to tell but there is something about WoD that may make or break me as a player.  It might be early to make this decision and the release of the raids might make or break the relationship between myself and WoD, but then again it is balancing on raid finder so hopes aren’t high. 

Sunday 7 December 2014


Oh my god I think my pants just got a little tighter. Blizzard has been known to succeed in pulling off crazy shit. Known for mainly making real time strategy games like Warcraft and StarCraft, I am sure that people thought they were bat-shit crazy when they announced their MMORGP monster. However, that same soul sucking demon is the standard for those that follow it. Now when I heard that they were trying to pull off a first person shooter, I chuckled, thinking “Oh Blizzard you crazy bastards!”  Then Overwatch was presented at Blizzcon….and…fuck. Overwatch seems to play like a team death fps similar to that of Team Fortress, not surprising when they are both the love child of the same developer. You take the role of a tank, defensive, offensive or support, feeling the dirty fingers of modern MOBA, and instead of just trying to kill your opponents, you and your team of misfits must complete tasks. Of course relying on other always has it problems, and they way to solve this is that you don’t have to have every type of role in your team. You want six tanks, go nuts kid. You think six supports is a good idea, you crazy kids you. The game will allow you to have a single type in your entire team, but you will probably suffer if you do. And if the gameplay trailer for specific character is anything to go by, to seem to be following the easy to learn but hard to master methods of game style. The same method that will have you screaming “How the fuck did you do that, you hacker you?” as opponents pull off combinations that will leave you in envy. I have to admit though that it looks so amazing it would excite Alan Rickman, Blizzard seem to promising a how lot. Now, it could be my experience with South African politicians or of being disappointed, but this seems like a bit too much. 

Image courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment