Friday 8 August 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy Review

I honestly don't know what I was expecting. After a late night viewing of Marvel's latest comic book to film adaption I can't help but feel that they have dropped the ball....then popped the ball and rubbed it in our faces like the crushed hopes and dreams of a five year old child. Guardians of the Galaxy isn't the biggest comic book name around, kind of the second cousin once removed of the family, but it still has some interesting characters. Not going to give details about the characters because that’s what Wikipedia is for. But it is still a Marvel movie so i decided to show it respect, which i regret doing. The hype for the movie was so over done that it you felt it was going to be the greatest movie in modern history, but that should give off warning bells. Anything as over hyped as this movie, makes it feel like that the producers themselves feel that this movie might not be good so let’s just market the shit of it and hope for the best. As a movie by itself, it does the job of throwing non-believers into the larger Marvel universe and Chris Pratt does the role of Starlord justice, but wrestlers in movies is asking for trouble. And the sticky fingers of Disney are all over this movie, especially when the "heroes" defeat the main villain by holding hands. The piece of glass in the urinary track was the end credits feature. Everyone knows you stick around after a Marvel movie to see the next big feature. But if this is the next big feature Marvel, count me the fuck out. I won't spoil for you but the last end credit feature with Bruce Banner acting like a therapist to Tony Stark was comedic, but this one could lower the IQ of the general population a few more precious notches.

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