Wednesday 30 September 2015

Ant-man...for those hard to reach places

It must have been weird to try sell the idea of Ant-man as a super hero. I wonder which of the three creators, Stan Lee, Larry Lieber or Jack Kirby at some point of the creation process thought to themselves…this is weird, the guy shrinks and controls ants? What’s his greatest enemy? A child with a magnifying glass and the sun? Anyway, they proved the world wrong and made a kind of successful hero. Less we forget, he was an original avenger in the comics…wife beating aside. Now with every possible comic hero being turned into a movie, Ant-man might not have been an obvious choice, but it turns out be a good one.

Although it does following the story of the original Ant-man, it does follow the second incarnation of the character, Scott Lang played by Paul Rudd. As I write this reader, please understand that I am trying to take the piss out of the movie, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that movie was already trying to do that while introducing the character to the Marvel Movie universe. Of all the movies so far, this is definitely the most comedic. Paul Rudd definitely brings out both his serious side and comedic side, normally both ending in a drunk midget fight. Funny at the start, but then when small bottles and chairs start getting thrown around, just plain silly. Rudd however pulls it off, bringing out the character’s desperate need to be a good father, and try make the audience take the hero seriously. Which sticks sort of close to the comic book version, but it’s more like a post-it note rather the glue. It may not reflect the comic book version well, but it does hold its own, bring the character to an audience that hasn’t heard of him, and let’s face it there are probably many. The fighting scenes seem epic, even though they can easily be sorted out with a can of bug spray, and Thomas the tank engine must feel like he has balls of steel, which is probably the case, for actually being useful. It follow the typical origin movie for a superhero with a smart person helping a down on his luck guy, fighting a seeming over powered villain that the hero must sacrifice something to defeat. It’s like Marvel just have a movie template changing names and scenes every time to get a “different” movie. Naturally, one does not simply leave at the end of a Marvel movie, with not one but two end credit scenes dangling bait for fan boys of what’s next. One of the better Marvel movies to come out, it takes the roll of the prophet leading the audience to the promised land of phase three leading off with Captain America: Civil War.  

Sunday 6 September 2015

We are Legion...for we are enough

With the announcement of Legion out and fanboys grasping at every little piece of information they can get their grimy hands on, like a fat kid trying to reach the cookies on the top shelf….accurate comparison actually, I thought I would way into the muddy waters of opinions and add to the frankly ocean of opinions that people probably don’t care about until the expansion actually comes out.

Now for those of you that don’t know, the Burning Legion is kind of the hell’s army of the Warcraft universe, with Sargeras being the big cheese of it all. Sargeras was a titan, the groups of beings that act as the gods for the Warcraft universe, and after fighting a lot of demons, and going a bit bat shit crazy, he decides to become that ultimate evil in the universe and try turn everything into dark despair. If only daddy titan had told Sargeras he loves him a bit more. For some reason Azeroth is so sort after, that the Burning Legion practically rub one out, every time that it is mentioned, and have finally pull enough resources together to get that magical holiday experience they have being saving all their lives. Not that Azeroth seems like a prime holiday destination what with the grinding and douche bag corpse campers. But fuck they want in. So they finally manage to find a portal to the Broken Isle because the big cheese himself seems to have time shares their and is only now willing to share it the prick. Although the Tomb of Sargeras doesn’t sound like the best place to spend summer vacation, what with it being a tomb and all. Any way another new comer to the party are Demon Hunter class, with the story being they are the Illidar, the followers of Illidan, so basically a bunch of groupies? Great, why not? Now in order to fight these tourists, Blizzard has decided that heroes will now need the greatest weapons in all the land, copy and pasted into the hands of every Johnny they can find. A like the idea of wielding these ancient weapon they can level entire towns every time you cough, but the idea of having the mage next to you wielding the same weapon is how cosmetic singularities are formed I’m sure. But remember you are unique, just like everyone else.

All in all I love the idea that we finally going to deal with the Legion and the fact that Illidan is coming back, does seem a bit “soapie” where a character has been a coma for three years and is brought back because the ratings are taking a nose dive. 

They stole your cookies