Tuesday 4 November 2014

Beta is Closed

With the Warlords of Draenor beta coming to a close, I felt I should say something on it, even if my time with it was as short as the first time for a boy who only read about girls on the Web. Being as this is the first time I have ever been part of a beta, I had no clue as who to do a bloody thing, so I dove in head first like any crazy fan boy. As time went on I learnt my lessons and became experience, even leading my guild members into how to get started. Showing them how to start off then leaving them to explore the new world, mainly because I was getting tired of their questions about shit. Any way what can be said that hasn’t been already said, the new graphics look awesome, the new specs are tricky to get use to and the loss of certain spells keeps me up at night. The new story with old faces makes one think what could have been if the Cool Aid wasn't spiked by demon blood, and we finally get to deal with Garrosh and his daddy issues.  The one big thing that got me, is that WoW has always been an MMORPG that uses the idea that you as a character are not alone in any fight, but the garrison systems seems to contradict that. You are the only one with the garrison and you are commander, or so it seems. I do like that you can chat to anyone else in their garrisons via general chat, like that of a city, but with you being the only one in the garrison, I felt that I was a crazy person talking to people in my head. Usually the conversations are more interesting. 

Come on Blizzard, tinker a litte

What makes a MMO great, apart from gameplay, story, and loyal fan boys, is the classes they offer. WoW has coined the class dynamic and the roles in which they play. The original list was great and each class had its role and story within the lore of Warcraft. The addition of the Death Knight not only as a class but as a hero class, fitted the launch of Wraith of the Lich King, like South African politicians and corruption. The monk's addition, which I totally called by the way thanks Blizzard,  had its glorious intro and game launched on like the devoted disciplines they were, or wanted to be. To be honest with the announcement that Warlords of Draenor would have no class or race addition, I was kind of disappointed. I started this disappointment rant by suggesting and debating new classes and races with a fellow ranter over some much needed liquid bread. The races debate was put on hold, in fear that we would need to remove our heads from our arses due to shear stupidity, the classes proved more successful. We suggested that maybe the addition of a Tinker or Demon Hunter class. Both could use mail, solving the addition mail user problem and each could have a tanking class. I want to focus on the tinker first. Now I should mention that a am nervous to use the phrase “like a [certain class] but”, because it makes it seem unoriginal but it helps to give the reader something to picture while arguing against my idea.

 The tinker could have a tank, dps and healing spec, each using a system of explosives, casters, rockets and robots during the fights. The tank spec, enforcement, uses a system of combo points or energy called potential energy which they gain by actually hitting the target or getting hit. Similar to a warrior or pally tank, the enforcer uses this to perform moves. His threat generator would be called "Static discharge" which gives off a static discharge every time the tinker hits a target and act similar to the pally's "Righteous Fury". The healer tinker, mixer, would use lasers, injections and sludge to heal. For example the tinker throws a caster to the group filled with regenerative agent, healing the raid members in a certain area. His/ her injection act as either heals buffs, or cures, and the lasers act as their main offence abilities and heals. The dps tinker ,crafter, would act as a mid-range dps, using melee attacks, bombs, rockets, lasers and robots as their tools. The crafter could act similar to an enhancement shammy having close range and mid-range attacks. Each spec gets their own robot helping their role in a fight, similar to the monks. Like the crafter gets a turret, the mixer gets a medic-bot, and the enforcer gets trainer-bot (giving them more health and increasing their threat generation) The class would get their own special item, a pouch or backpack, for their weapon slot. Obviously the first to races that come to mind are gnomes and goblins being tinkers, and maybe dwarves and orc as well do to them using tech by their small little friends that won’t move out of their dear cities. 

 There are some bugs to work out, I grant you, but Blizzard please try make this happen. If you do, then I expect to at least have an npc named after me, because if you don't then I will start throwing bricks through windows at your headquarters...attached to flaming copies of Diablo 3. 

Tinker from the first Dota