Monday 26 May 2014

Make the bully kill itself

This one goes out to all the parents. Now I understand that most parents know less about the internet than the spawn and have to make that awkward request when they want to secretly want to access that website for “research” and need the help of their “innocent” spawn that know that site and six others they consider better. I find it odd that we live in a day and age where parents go to their children trying to learn how things work and not the other way around. When I wanted to learn how to cook, I went to my mother. When I want to learn how to change a plug, I went to my father. Now I look up online just how I can cook my chicken cu don blue, a recipe my mother has never heard of.

This is not much of a problem but an opportunity. Meaning that parents should learn this stuff, by themselves, and take an interest in what their spawn are up to. With the recent issue of cyber bullying being a hot topic, parents are oblivious to the fact their spawn is creating hell in another spawns life. How does a parent monitor this though? Let’s face being friends with your parents on FaceBook does create a since of dread considering they might find that photo of you from three years age showing you in an interesting position that would be deemed unacceptable with a hand to the back of the head. So what’s left? To be honest I don’t know. I guess the traditional methods should be considered. Keep an eye on your children and talk to them. Are they being bullied or are they bullying. One should be met with hot chocolate and talking will the other should be met with the selling other the spawns most treasured item, profits of which go to a suitable charity, and a photo on the net describing the situation.

The other topic is games making spawn violent and causing them to go on a shooting rampage. This is not the case, you can’t deem something is unhealthy to spawn and band it because of the actions of a few. Although I agree some games are not helping my case, you know how you are, and are just using the violence as a selling point and have as much stimulating game play as a brick; this doesn’t mean that “My little pony” on the xBox is going to lead your spawn to kill.  As stated above, take an interest in what your spawn is playing and see whether their choice of games is worth your seal of approval or something to mention to the local authorities. If they only play “Savage Slaughter” the series, then there is room for concern.

Parents please understand that spawn feel often alone and isolated and teenage years don’t help. Be more involved with your children and don’t just leave it to their teachers or authority figures. You are damaging your spawn more than video games could ever if you send the message that they aren’t worth your time and effort. 

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Lego Marvel Zeros

I have to admit that when I first thought about buying the game, the small remainder of the young boy left in me showed the first signs of reappearance in the last 5 years...then I played it, and that young boy was beaten like a stepdad beating his ginger kid. Lego's Marvel Heroes or whatever it's called is a combination of my two favourite things as a kid, Lego and Marvel Heroes which at the time seemed like the combination of peanut butterfly and syrup on a lovely piece of warm toast, but it quickly turned into marmite and dog shit. My team members proved to be more of a menace to me then the people I was fighting and the just stood and watch as I was getting beaten, just like the mother of a ginger child being beaten by their stepdad. Although the Lego seemed to understand its part in the game, which was to get in my way each and every fucking time I tried to collect the dropped Lego pieces that I desperately tried to gather like junky looking for a fix. Then the final piece in the coffin containing my childhood was the character collection. In order to collect your favourite characters outside the story line, you have to locate them and solve a puzzle to obtain the token...which you then have to purchase. Disney you money grubbing bastards. I admit the fact that I played by keyboard might not have helped and feelings towards the game...but it was eclipsed by my urge to leap into the game and beat the hell out of my favourite Marvel heroes whenever they opened their mouths. i would like to go on about the game but just writing about it has reminded me that a spent about $5 on this game...$5 I will never get back.