Thursday 2 February 2017

Paladins...Overwatch's cheaper sister

So you might have heard that the Team fortress 2 with waifus, Overwatch won game of the year in 2016 and it deserves its position on top of the podium of the shittiest year ever. The one problem it had, a part of its fan base, was the price tag attached. Here was everyone thinking free to play but Blizzard saw that there was a gravy train to ride and took that train all the way to fuck a wallet station. Blizzard does seem to be the Lex Luthor of the video game industry. That villain that would sell its own son to make a buck, where EA is the Joker, just here to fuck shit up. But I digress. Back to the matter at hand, my cock….no wait sorry Paladins. The term “Over-wrist clock but free” does do this game justice. It does seem to be the underdog is this fight with similar concepts and a mix and match of similar characters. But you know what, it does it so nicey that I really couldn’t give a fuck. It is just as fun as Underwatch with room for improvement meaning it could become better. The loadout system makes things more interesting too. You collect cards for each character and you create decks from those decks, meaning that your Reaper rip off, won’t be the same as the other team’s one. You have to unlock heroes as you progress which does mean that you may have to grind a bit more than Overbotch but that makes it feel more like an achievement in my opinion. If you are playing Finished-watch for deem boobies, then I have news for you my friend, you can still get your fap on to da ladies of Paladins with armour that wouldn’t even protect a pinky toe.

If you have Over-time piece already then good for you, but if you are looking for an alternative then check out Paladins….there just isn’t as much erotica yet….I checked.