Wednesday 1 July 2015

Heroes of the Storm

With Blizzard trying to milk everything out their franchises as possible, it was only a matter of time before they throw their lot with the other MOBA in the world. It must be a strange feeling for Blizzard to be the underdog in a gaming genre, with their over aged monster WoW still going, and their dungeon crawler that once held the pole position of the genre, but now has to pole dance for money. But Heroes of the Storm was their answer to “Who would win in a fight Diablo or Arthas?” and brings all our favourite characters from all their games into one arena to beat the every living shit of each other.  Now although Dota did start out as a mod for Warcraft 3, it wasn’t developed by Blizzard, just on a Blizzard game and it was taken over by Valve so it doesn’t count as a Blizzard game.

Now with the game finally coming out the closet to show off its prettiest dress in hopes to appeal to fan boys, I managed to get a sneak peak of the game while it was still picking out its underwear. I was given a beta key out the blue and not being a big fan of MOBA decided maybe to try it at a later stage. Finally after drumming up some courage, and having bugger all else to play, I decided to give it a chance. Now PVP for me was something I got into later on in life, like tentacle porn…I mean mud wrestling, and so MOBA didn’t have that a big appeal to me even at lans…yes lans. But as I started playing something happened that removed the crust of boring gameplay Blizzard had pelted me with for a while now, it was actually interesting. Fair enough story is virtually no existent and the comments the other player’s characters make while playing can make you want to fuss them to death with barbed wire, but the challenge of out smarting other players you will never meet is oddly satisfying. But if you can organize you and four other dip sticks via just chat obscure and annoying pings standing other something, then you might want to think about arranging peace in the middle of Africa…or curing AIDS. It can also get easy to lose your character while every one performs their so called “Ults” leaving the screen looking like something between Michael Bay and J.J Abraham’s love child jazzing on your face. 

Now how does it compare with the other MOBAs out…fuck if I know? I guess you will only play this if you really want to beat the ever loving shit out of Nova with Kerrigan, which you should totally do because FUCK YOU NOVA. She is a total bitch of a character and needs to calm the fuck down. All and all it’s a nice little time waster while doing your washing, but I can’t help that feel that for all its trying not to be like other MOBA, it will quickly whore itself and become another night worker on the street of mainstream, unoriginal ideas.