Monday 1 June 2015

How old is Ultron?

If this wasn’t the most anticipated movie of 2015 it was pretty damn close, but like the second child in a beauty pageant Avengers 2 Age of Ultron is lacking the certain something that made the judges become uncomfortable in their pants so much so that they made to think cold thoughts and wait a little after the credits were done. It just didn’t have the some impact of me as the first movie did, but it wasn’t a bad movie. I can’t help but feel that it may be a quality over quantity issue where Avengers 1 was three amazing Areo chocolate bars, compared to five avenge wonder bars. The former being the bar that has the most impact on your tongue leaving you wanting more but you have to wait till you can afford it again, where the ladder you can afford more of but it isn’t something to strive towards investing every time you want satisfying. Again I won’t give you the plot because that’s what Wikipedia is for but it involves robot being built to protect world, only to see it as your typical Goth teenage with daddy issues, and try to destroy it. It builds on from the previous using staples and duct tape, with the events of the first causing Ironman to complete change his attitude as a bad-ass superhero, to a concerned mother over the special child and trying to protect it with as much amour as possible.  The introduction of the new avengers was nicely done, but who didn’t see the death of (SPOILER) the fast one coming? To be honest not me, so Josh Whedon doesn’t disappoint again with amazing me there, but again refer to my first sentence. It isn’t the best movie in the Marvel movie universe but it isn’t the worse either, so it just kinda sits in the middle hopped up on sugar bouncing around showing us Scarlett Johansson’s bum every now and then, and making us wonder what a porno between Black Widow and the Hulk would look like….uncomfortable at best.